Friday, March 13, 2015

What has been going on?

well well.
Here we are again!
It's been a while I know!
But for good reason, well for me.
So I took a little break to get myself together.
I went back to school to further my education and FINALLY got my 
Yes I said it, my license.
I've gone this long without sad I know.
But I finally got it done, and I'm so proud of myself for finally getting back on track.
We are now shopping for our first car!
Well family SUV but you get it.

The last time I wrote my baby girl was 7 months, well now she's 9 going on 10 months.
She's getting big so fast.
I'm already going threw baby fever! 
What the heck! 
I'm not quite ready for baby #3.
I'm definitely enjoying being a mommy of two.
Things are finally getting easier and settling down (as much as they can with two kids).
We decided that this year is our year of traveling.
So far we went to Disneyland and local places.
This week we are leaving to Laughlin, NV.
We are going to visit my husband's great aunt and great grandmother.
We are flying out his grandma and she is coming in tomorrow!
We are so excited for this road trip with the kids.
But back to Maila she is now trying to walk!

She started at 8 months!
I just want this to slow down! 
This is Maila next to her friend and birthday buddy!
Her friend was born the day after her.
Look how big Maila is next to her!
I love these little girls, such cuties together! 

Her personality is amazing, she is always making us crack up! 
EX: This face!
She makes the funniest faces!
When she's not being silly shes cuddling!
I have to admit these are one of my top favorite parts of the day.
This little girl I prayed for and cried to one day have is here and is perfect!
I'm beyond blessed with my two babies and husband.

Mason my crazy wild 3 year old.
He's really growing up.
He talks so clearly now it's scary!!
He's a little kid now, not a toddler.
He has neighbor friends!
He's so independent.
I'm constantly asking if he needs help or anything, his reply is usually always 
"No mom I can do it"
"I do it"
It's a bitter sweet feeling that he does so much on his own.
It means he's growing up and I'm doing my job.
But it also means my first born is no longer a baby who doesn't need me so much.
I just need to get him to share more !

My husband has now decided to join the police academy!
I know my mother is very excited to have another deputy in the family!
I'm super excited for him and can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
I also would love to join but I'm pretty sure all my tattoos wont make it easy to get in!
Plus I love being a stay at home mom.
Going back to school for 3 weeks was hard but also worth it.
12-5 was a long time to be away from my babies.
I would come home exhausted with tons of homework and two kids that missed their mommy.
But I'm thankful I pushed threw it and I know my kids will be proud of me.
I plan to post more soon and I hope that you guys enjoyed my photos of my babies.
I hope you guys have a good night!
Tomorrow is going to be very busy with our grandma coming in.
Night !